GOODS Walk-through Learning Opportunity

Segment 1:  Getting started



What is GOODS?


GOODS is an electronic directory of health and human services for Oregonians.  It was designed to be used by individuals who help others.

GOODS is web-based which means you can access this electronic directory from anywhere any time you have internet access.



GOODS content is maintained by Healthcare Business Education, Inc. staff.  HBE is a consulting firm that specializes in providing technical assistance to public agencies and non-profit organizations that serve Oregon Medicaid/OHP clients.  Oregon Resources is the database project name.

GOODS content does not include confidential information.

Some information, however, needs to be used wisely and discretely, such as food distribution locations.

Why am I here?


GOODS is short for Greater Oregon Online Data Service.

You are here because you have purchased a GOODS “log-on” and you are considered to be a GOOD “user.”



Today we are going to cover the basics on using GOODS.

#1 To run GOODS, you will need either a PC or a Mac computer.

What do I need in the way of equipment?


You also need a specific browser:  this is a software application used to locate and display web pages.

The browser you need is Internet Explorer Version 5.0 or higher.



If you do NOT have this version, it can be downloaded (free) on the front page of


You also need another software called Adobe Acrobat.  If you do not have this program, you can also down load it free from the front page of



A mouse with a roller is recommended because it makes navigating faster and easier.  It is not essential.


How do I get to the GOODS web-site?


Several ways to do this.  The best way is to install a hyperlink button on your TOOL BAR.  This feature allows you to click once to get the GOODS site.  Your goal in every day practice is to get to the GOODS Sign-On Screen as conveniently as possible.  If you don’t know HOW to do this, contact either your IS support or HBE.  It’s not hard to do.

When you are somewhere else or on another computer or if you want to show someone else GOODS, just go to  OR you can go to web site and click on GOODS Database or click on the Oregon Resources logo—the little orange picture of Oregon with people holding hands.

How am I set-up to access the GOODS database?

The Sign-On Screen:

1.  Your organizational NAME will be given an abbreviation. Key that short name in the top field (box) on your sign-on screen.

2.  Tab down to the next field and key in your user name.  This is unique to YOU.

What’s my password?


3.  Tab down to the last field and key in your password.

When you are initially set up, the GOODS system assigns you a computer-generated password.



You may change your password as frequently as you want.

To change your password, tab into the “change password” box and up pops another screen that asks you what you want your new password to be.  Key that in.

Forget your password?


It happens.  Call Walter at 503 371-4332.  He is kind, but will quiz you.  Be prepared.

Walter Reed is the system administrator at HBE.  He is the keeper of who has what access.  He can retrieve your password.

What is the Main Screen?


Successful Sign-On takes you directly to the GOODS Main Screen.  This is called a  hyperlink to the Main Search Screen.

Hyperlinks.   In a web program, hyperlinks are navigational tools—they get you where you want to go.  Hover over the GOODS hyperlinks to see where these hyperlinks take you.  Hyperlinks appear in the upper right corner of the GOODS screens.  Example:  New Search is a hyperlink to the Main Screen.  The Help hyperlink is not yet activated.  Home and New Search perform the same function.

Why do I get confused about learning how to navigate in this new way?


You get confused because there are many many ways to do the same thing while you’re learning to navigate  in cyperspace.  Be patient with yourself.  This is a paradigm switch for most of us.  To anyone born before 1960, computers and web navigation is NOT intuitive. 

You get confused because there are many many ways to do the same thing while you’re learning to navigate in cyperspace.  Be patient with yourself.  This is a paradigm switch for most of us. (Not Walter though.  He was born a communications geek.)

How do I  search for something?

New Search

From the Main Screen, you have several ways to search.  We are going to walk through all the ways.

New Search is like “escape” on your keyboard.  Clicking on New Search takes you back to the beginning where you can start over with any search.  It clears your computer’s memory of previous searches.

Main Screen



You see two boxes:  One says Categories Outline and the other says Categories Alpha Index.  Both boxes have the same information in them.  They are simply organized differently. 

Categories Alpha Index is like an index in the back of a book—it is organized alphabetically. If you want to move around (navigate) in the category boxes, you must first put your cursor IN the box and click your mouse.

Scroll down through Categories Outline.  This is like looking at a Table of Contents in a book. 

Study the contents.  Study the contents. Study the contents.  It allows you to learn the layout of resources.  Resources are dynamic.  These categories may change to reflect change in resources.  When a category has sub-listings, these are called “children.”  The category heading is called “the parent.”

How to begin your search.

Search options

One easy way is to simply click on the category from the listing in the Index box.

To test this, click on “Addiction Treatment” from the box on the right called Categories Alpha Index.  You will use this feature a lot.  Watch what happens to your screen when you do this.

Current Selections?


Notice that when you make a selection from any search criteria option, up pops a box on the right of your screen that displays what your selections are.

Pay close attention to this box.  Sometimes it takes a few seconds for the computer to reflect your choice.  But be sure that box does reflect your search criteria selections, or you won’t get what you want.

Practice this.


Click on Schools, Public

Click on AIDS/HIV




Jump-to is another navigational feature that you WILL use to get around. 

To use the jump-to feature, make sure you click in a list box and then click the first letter of the word you want to go to.    Example:  Schools, click on S and keep clicking on S until you get to Schools, Public

I’m a mouse person


If you are a mouse person, use the roller bar on the right of your search field to get to the category you want to search for.

Or, you may use the mouse and pull down the scroll bar to the category you want.

I’m an arrow person.


If you want to use the arrow key to get to the category you want to search for, that’s another option.

The up and down arrow keys on your keyboard will take you up or down the category list one category at a time.

What’s the purpose of the yellow button Find Resources Now?


Clicking on the yellow Find Resources Now button takes you directly to the screen that displays the results of your search/query.

The list on this screen displays all resources that are associated with the search criteria from the previous main screen.  Double check that the Current Selections box on the right contains your choices.

What are Salem resources for Schools, Public

Practice on building a query.

We want your query results to display a list of Schools, Public resources that are located in Salem. Put your cursor in the City field and key in Salem. How many are there?

Be sure you Clear all other fields first.  Check your Current Selections box on the right to make sure nothing else is selected. The results display 17 rows of Schools, Public located in Salem.  Did you get that same answer? 

Now what are the Public Schools resource listings for Turner?

More Practice

Clicking on the Change Query button that returns you back to the main screen with your previous search criteria Changing your selections to Schools, Public that are located in Turner.  How many are there?

The result set displays a list with only one listing.

How many Schools, Public resources are there in Marion County?


Click on New Search hyperlink in the top right corner of the main screen.  Let your system erase all previous memory.  Remember, this is like the Escape key. Then click in the Geographic Areas box and make sure Marion County is selected.

Now click in the Categories Index box again and select School, Public.   When your selection criteria is displayed in the box at the right just like you want it, then click the yellow Find Resources Now button in the lower left corner.

What if I want to search for a word in the description ?






Search for a word in the description.

First clear all search criteria that you don’t want included.  Use the asterisk to identify that you want part of something.  The asterisk is an important wild card message to your database search engine.  Using this means there is no exclusive resource that contains this word, words or parts of words. 

Example query:  Search for the word *meals* by putting your cursor in the description field.  Key in the asterisk then the word meals and then another asterisk.  Then key in Salem in the city and clear all other fields.






Click on New Search again

Key in food boxes in the description and put “Tillamook” in the Geographic area box.

What if I want to search for resources that appear in one ZIP code area ONLY?

Search for all resources within a ZIP code area.

Clear all other search criteria that you don’t want included.  Put your cursor in the ZIP code field and key in the ZIP code you want to search for.

Example:  West Salem is a perfect example because all of West Salem is in the 97304 ZIP code area.  Make sure all other selection options are cleared so you don’t confuse your search function.  Then click on Find Resources Now button.

Search Options

Any field with unique information

Search by Category, by Resource name or part of a name, by city, by state, by zip, by any word or words or any part of a word in either of the description fields.

Practice on your own keeping in mind the various tips in this learning segment.  Databases are pretty unforgiving—if you don’t get a resource that you KNOW is in here, analyze what you may have entered incorrectly.  It’s usually a mystery to be solved.  Practice ONLY with data/information that you KNOW is in the database.

Snoop around

See what this database includes

Know that over 100 adds, changes or deletes are made every day.

If you know of something that should be added, click on the Feedback button (top right) and give us some hints about what you think needs to be included.

We appreciate your input!!!


Healthcare Business Education Walk Through of GOODS

Walter Reed and Sandra Peterson

Questions?  503 371-4332



Segment 2 will contain instruction in how to Build a Query so you can begin making lists to share with clients or others.  It will also include how to make mailing labels, how to print and e-mail resources or lists of resources.  This instructional segment will showcase some unique features of transportation resources.


Segment 3 will continue with how to add notes to resources—notes that only you can see, and notes that you can share with others in your agency or buyers group.  It will also include instruction on how to add your own private resources to the database.  This instructional segment will showcase some unique features of web-based information.